132 research outputs found


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    A recently as a ten years ago, internal migration in general and ruralurban migration in particular were viewed favorably in the economy development. I have attempted in this article to set fort the economic basis for rural-urban and financial-agricultural sector migration in East Java that Dick had ever called as balanced development model. In important respects, Dick’s balanced development model for East Java is based on migration in general and rural-urban migration, after such a long growth oriented model. Now a day, it is not enough sufficient to call East Java as a balanced development model. There are many variables that deny Dick’s model, such as credit allocation, income disparity, and public services


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    Notwithstanding the accidents and disappointments suffered by countries liberalizing their international financial transaction, the major failure of economic management in the twentieth century still defines the greatest policy challenge for the future: to raise the productive capacity and income. In this papers, I consider how increases in the factors of production (i.e.capital and labour) contribute to increase in output. While I find indications of a constant return to scale occuring in Indonesian economy, the effect of capital account of liberalization is quite fragile. In addition, I highlight that technology does not play enough in driving an enormous increase in the production of goods and service

    From social network to firm performance: The mediating effect of trust, selling capability and pricing capability

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to develop a structural equation model to explain the complex relationship between social network and firm performance by introducing the mediating role of trust, selling capability and pricing capability. Design/methodology/approach – The research model with hypothesis development was derived based on the literature. To provide empirical evidence, this study carried out a survey in which the data were equated with a list of questionnaires with a random survey of 380 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Indonesian context. Findings – This study indicates that the use of social media in management process will not affect the increasing firm performance unless the firms build trust upon social networks. The social network with trust allows the firms to gain a pricing capability and a selling capability, which brings a positive impact on firm performance. The results also show that the selling and the pricing capabilities become essential following the utilizing the social media, which concerns on trust building. Research limitations/implications – This study focused on the small-to-medium context, which has conventionally provided an exemplary site for the development of social capital theory but raises issues of generalizability across different contexts. Practical implications – For the managers, it is advisable to encourage their employees to consciously exploit the selling capability by enhancing the business networks via social media to achieve the firm performance. Originality/value – This paper contributes to the social capital theory by explaining the mediating role of trust in the complex relationship between social network and firm performance. This study provides evidence that trust plays a pivotal role in social networks, which enable the observed firms to achieve the performance

    Cross-cultural collaboration for inclusive global value chain: a case study of rattan industry

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    Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to understand how the cross-cultural collaboration between developed market and emerging economies promotes an inclusive global value chain (GVC) through innovation and technology transfer. Drawing on global rattan industry, this paper identifies the three typologies and social mechanism of cross-cultural collaboration in GVC. Design/methodology/approach - This study uses a qualitative method with a case study of rattan industry. The case study analysis covers the linkages between upstream industries in emerging economies and downstream industries in developed countries. Findings-The result shows that innovation and technology transfer play an essential role in the cross-cultural collaboration through presenting the creative value-adding process beyond the simple trade of rattan. This study identifies the social mechanism of cross-cultural collaboration in three GVC typologies of rattan industry. Research limitations/implications-The study was undertaken between 2015 and 2017. The observed value chain in rattan industry context demonstrates the selected business network from Indonesia to the European countries. Practical implications-There were some activities that worked well for decades, such as creative innovation and technology transfer from multinational corporations to small businesses. The initiative to promote brand seemed to work less well for the local designers in developing countries from being part of the GVC. The creative innovation and technology transfer from multinational corporations to rattan farmers continued to struggle. Originality/value- This study draws a distinction between the typologies of GVC, where cross-cultural collaboration has developed slowly and those where it comes about quickly. This extends the discussion about creative value between players in developed and developing countries, including the social mechanism of cross-cultural collaboration in GVC

    Promoting Participatory Earth System Governance on Emergency Program: Case of Earth Disaster in Indonesia

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    While earth system governance can be understood as a political project that engages more and more actors who seek to strengthen the current architecture of institutions and networks at local and global levels, call for participation has emerged in the last two decades as one of the most important topics in development policy and theory debates. While natural disaster comes over, good governance is a prerequisite to elevating disaster reduction on the earth system management need to highlight on the importance of political commitment, multi stakeholder participation, and financial resources to achieve good governance in disaster risk reduction, and presented voluntary targets for governments. In fact, the policy-making in any area is not merely a question of ‘rationally’ choosing the ‘right’ decisions in a technocratic, value-free manner, but is more fundamentally shaped by contests between competing interests. This essay assesses some of the major premises of neo-institutionalism explanations of earth system governance and participation practices with regard to the recent and ongoing Indonesian experience with many natural disasters, such as earth quake, mud volcano, and Tsunami. Decision making under natural disaster was challenge for good government as a prerequisite to elevating disaster reduction on the earth system management. The need for accountability, coordination among donor agencies, and participatory approaches; and the role of national and regional platforms will become obstacles while decision making needs to be done as soon as possible. There after, environment devastating will be the excuse under the name of emergency. The research tries to find new ways to learn democracy and to live democratically through participatory budget which environmental friendly. What accounts for the ideological and political ambiguity of earth system governance’ activity in promoting democratic process? To what extent are the business institution implicated in environment policies

    Linking religiosity to citizenship behaviour under materialism attitude: Empirical evidence from Indonesia

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    Purpose – This study aims to understand the complex relationship between religiosity and citizenship behaviour by examining the role of materialism attitude and empathy. Design/methodology/approach – This study developed a structural equation model with some measures taken from the previous literature. This study conducted a survey of young people in Indonesia context and used partial least square to test the proposed hypothesis. Findings – The empirical results indicate the mechanism from religiosity to citizenship behaviour involves empathy. However, under high materialism attitude, an increasing level of religiosity will have a lower impact on citizenship than the individual under low materialism attitude. Originality/value – This study extends to the discussion on the complicated relationship between religiosity and citizenship behaviour by introducing the moderating effect of materialism attitude and the mediating effect of empathy

    Social Capital and Firm Performance: Moderating Effect of Environmental Turbulence

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    This study aims to determine the moderating effect of environmental turbulence on the relationship among firm performance, entrepreneurial orientation, entrepreneurial management, and social capital. Along with survey on Indonesia SMEs, the finding shows that social capital plays pivotal role on firm performance. This study also provides evident that that environmental turbulence dampens the positive impact of social capital on firm performance. Under low environmental turbulence, social capital has positive impact on firm performance. However, social capital brings negative impact on firm performance during high environmental turbulence. This provides more fundamental issues on intersection between resource based view (RBV) and contingency theory (CT)


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    This study describes qualifications of potential labours needed in labour market. Using three newspapers as sources of sample, the result shows that there are some general qualifications required by employers, such as fluently in English, both writing and speaking, and GPA at least 2.75. Special qualificationsis related to technical and operational skills

    Multiple flexible suppliers and competitive advantage during market turbulence: the role of digital capabilities

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    Purpose – This article aims to examine the impact of multiple suppliers on competitive advantage by exploiting digital capabilities. Design/methodology/approach – The author propose a structural equation model with the adopted measure from the literature. Hence, the study conducted an online survey in Indonesia with 450 qualified respondents involving managers and owner-managers. Findings – The results indicate multiple suppliers help the firms to exploit digital capabilities, which foster them to achieve competitive advantage. Hence, different level of market turbulences determines the impact of numerous suppliers on competitive advantage. Specifically, the multiple-suppliers approach is more effective in supporting buyer firms to gain a competitive advantage during high market turbulence than low market turbulence. Research limitations/implications –This study offers empirical evidence with unit analysis of buyer firms that seek competitive advantage by exploiting digital capability. However, this approach focusses on a single unit analysis, which is buyer firms. Hence, there is an opportunity to adopt qualitative approach to explore the suppliers and end-users from different perspectives from other supply chain players. Originality/value – This article contributes to the growing literature on the resource-based theory by examining the relationship between the multiple-sourcing model and competitive advantage. The authors also discuss the intersection between resource-based, dynamic capability and stakeholder theory

    The Impact of Entrepreneurship Orientation, Human Capital, and Social Capital on Innovation Success of Small Firms in East Java

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    Abstract. Although entrepreneurship plays an important role on the innovation success of small enterprises, the empirical evidence on this issue is hardly to find. This current study contributes to the empirical finding of innovation success using the case of small firms in East Java. Employing factor analysis and ordinary least squared (OLS) regression, this study finds that entrepreneurship orientation is a key variable affecting innovation success in small firms. Human capital has negative impact on innovation success, while social capital is not a significant contributor on innovation. The implication of these findings closely related to the potential entrepreneurship for developing small firms to medium scales. Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovation success, small firms, human capital, social capital.Abstrak. Meskipun kewirausahaan memainkan peran penting dalam kesuksesan inovasi perusahaan kecil, temuan empiris terhadap hal ini masih sulit ditemukan. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi temuan empiris tentang kesuksesan inovasi perusahaan-perusahaan kecil di Jawa Timur. Dengan menggunakan analisis faktor dan regresi ordinary least squared (OLS), penelitian ini menemukan bahwa orientasi kewirausahaan merupakan faktor kunci bagi kesuksesan perusahaan kecil. Modal insani memiliki dampak negatif terhadap kesuksesan inovasi, sementara modal sosial bukan merupakan contributor yang signifikan bagi kesuksesan inovasi. Implikasi dari temuan ini terkait langsung dengan potensi kewirausahaan dalam mengembangkan skala perusahaan dari kecil menjadi menengah.Kata kunci: orientasi kewirausahaan, kesuksesan inovasi, perusahaan kecil, modal insani, modal sosial
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